Be Prepared, Stay Alive
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Soldiers are wounded on the battlefield, no matter which kind of trauma, more or less accompanied by blood loss. Healthy adults have 7% to 8% of their total body weight. They are life-threatening once their blood loss exceeds 30% of their total blood loss. Deadly bleeding on the battlefield accounts for about 85 percent of preventable combat deaths, is the first cause of death in combat wounds, and we often call their lives bloody “sacrifice”.

Blood loss is the most urgent threat to the lives of the wounded, so it is a priority in the tactical first aid system.    

Tactical first aid follows the principle of “MARCH”, which is the initial disposal of the injured in the order of controlling mass haemorrhage (Mass haemorrhage), open airway (Airway), ensuring respirations (Respirations), blood circulation (Circulation), and handling head injury / hypothermia (Head injury / Hypothermia).    

Controlling mass haemorrhage is the first priority. In this link, tying binding the tourniquet as well as bandages, and using tourniquet dressings for the injured is an important life-saving technique that can be adopted. This article will show the rescue disposal methods using a tourniquet.

Limb trauma is the most common combat trauma in modern warfare, accounting for about 30% of all the combat wounds. At present, the one-handed tourniquet of this serie is usually used in the rescue process under fire.    

The structure of the Rhino tourniquet is quite simple. It consists of a Velcro-fixed tourniquet ring with adjustable tourniquet belt ring, handle, and buckle. It should be noted that the tourniquet is only used when the limb is injured,  and is tied at the large arm or thigh of the corresponding injured limb, not at the wound. If the left arm is injured, it needs to tie the tourniquet to the near heart end of the left large arm; If the right calf is injured, it needs to tie the tourniquet to the near center end of the right thigh.    

The method of tying the tourniquet is also very simple. First, adjusting the tourniquet ring to a slightly larger diameter than the injured limb, convenient to set it in the near-heart end of the limb wound. Then, rotating the handle to tighten the tourniquet ring, and fixing the handle in the “C” shaped buckle. Rhino tourniquet is suitable for the injured with serious limb injury bleeding or limb loss, and it is convenient to operate with one hand, and facilitate the injured to self-rescue. Lastly, tying the tourniquet partition cuff or trouser leg at the wound, without having to deliberately pursue the accuracy of the tourniquet position.


Rhino tourniquet buckle has a white label with the word “Time”, which is used to record the specific time of the tourniquet tying and must be accurate to minutes. This is because, although the tourniquet is good, removing the tourniquet may cause serious consequences. Therefore, the user must be accurately recorded in the first-time tying tourniquet time point, and tying tourniquet time is usually not more than 2 hours. That is to say, within 2 hours, the wounded must be transferred to the professional institutions with further treatment conditions, then can try to switch to tourniquet dressing and bandage to stop bleeding. It also stipulates that non-military medical personnel are prohibited from releasing the tourniquet as described below: using the tourniquet for more than 6 hours; the casualty is in shock; and limb disconnection.    

When the limb is squeezed for a long time, there will be a more serious risk. Although the serious bleeding is effectively controlled and the injured are carefree in a short time, the limbs are squeezed for a long time, which may cause hyperkalaemia. At this time, if the tourniquet is hastily removed without any auxiliary measures, the high potassium blood will quickly spread to the important organs, directly endangering the lives of the injured. To eliminate this risk as much as possible, when the casualty is transferred to a hospital, it must first neutralize or prevent the spread of high-potassium blood by liquid resuscitation before removing the tourniquet and performing further treatment for the casualty.


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Battlefield rescue is a very crucial part. On the one hand, it can saves the lives of the soldiers as soon as possible. On the other hand, it is of great significance to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops and win the battle. Therefore, it is very necessary to learn and master the basic knowledge of battlefield rescue.

Four techniques of war injury rescue
Trauma hemostasis    
If one wants to accurately stop the bleeding, it is necessary to master the compression point of the main artery. The common haemostasis methods are as follows:

Pressure bandage haemostasis.
Cover the wound with a first-aid bag or disinfectant gauze, cotton, or cloth, and then tightly bandage it with a bandage or triangle towel. Mainly used for venous, capillary, or arteriolar bleeding.

Digital pressure haemostasis.
Use fingers or palms to compress the artery proximal heart of the wound to block blood flow and achieve temporary bleeding. Mainly used for arterial bleeding in the head, neck and limbs. During overhead bleeding, align the anterior ear above the mandibular joint and press the superficial temporal artery. During facial bleeding, compress the facial artery at the lower edge of the ipsilateral mandible and about 3 cm in front of the mandible Angle with the index finger (or thumb). Bleeding from the head and neck, pressing the common carotid artery between the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid muscles with the thumb or other four fingers, absolutely prohibit simultaneous compression on both sides. Thumb presses the inferior clavian artery in the middle of the ipsilateral supraclavicular fossa. The forearm and upper arm were bleeding, and the brachial artery in the medial groove of the upper arm was compressed with the other four fingers of the thumb worker. Hand bleeding, with the thumb of the ruler, radial artery on the wrist. Lower limb bleeding, thigh and below bleeding, when self-rescue, with the thumb of the upper thigh groin rub slightly lower femoral artery; mutual rescue, can use hand compression, the other hand pressure on it. When bleeding, the two fingers or thumb compresses the dorsal foot artery between the medial heel and the dorsal malleolus.    

Tourniquet hemostasis.
For large bleeding in the limbs, mainly using the tightening and haemostasis methods. When stopping bleeding, first put a piece of cloth or paper roll pad on the proximal artery of the bleeding wound, and then fold with a triangle towel into a ribbon, or with a handkerchief and other convenient materials around the limb 1-2 laps to tighten into a living knot, or with a gun bar, pen, small wooden stick inserted into it, a lift two twisted three fixed. Using this method, remember cushion between tourniquet and skin; tourniquet is released every 1 hour (30 minutes in winter) for 2-3 minutes to improve blood circulation.

Wound dressing    
Wound dressing is to stop bleeding, protect the injury, prevent infection, fix dressing, splint. The common materials for dressing include triangle towel, bandage and four-head band. The following is only the most commonly used triangle bandage method.

Head and face dressing    
Bonnet-type dressing. Put the top corner and the bottom midpoint each knot, shaped like a hood, the top corner knot in the front jaw, and then pull the two bottom corners around the jaw to the Pilgrims.    
Mandibular dressing. Fold the triangle towel into four fingers width, take one third of the place to the jaw, the long end through the head of the ear to the front of the opposite end of the ear and the other end cross, and then bypass the front jaw, pillow and tie on the opposite side.

Facial dressing
Tie the top corner of the triangle towel to cover the lower jaw, cover the head, and tighten the two bottom corners to cross to the forehead to tie it. The mouth, eyes, and nose of the triangle towel can be cut holes.
Shoulder swallowtail dressing.
Put the corner of the tail upward on the side shoulder, the bottom of the bottom of the tail around the upper arm, and then the two tails around the chest and back under the heart.    

Chest and back dressing.
Put the top corner of the triangle towel on the injury shoulder, pull the left and right two bottom corners to the back to tie the knot, and then tie with the top corner.
Abdominal dressing.
Put the triangle towel down, put the bottom side horizontally on the umbilical side, pull the bottom Angle to the waist knot, the top Angle through the perineum to the hip above, with the bottom corner remaining head knot.    

Hip dressing.
Put the triangle towel oblique on the wound side hip, the Angle close to the hip crack, with the top corner of the belt in the leg root wound knot. Knolate the downward corner upward on the contralateral iliac crest.Limb dressing    

Hand(foot) dressing.
Place your hand in the center of the triangle towel and point your fingers to the top corner. Pull the top corner to cover the back of the hand, the two bottom corners cross the top corner around the wrist knot. Dressing of the foot was the same as for the hand.    

Elbow and knee dressing.
Fold the triangle towel into an appropriate width, put the middle section oblique on the wound part, take the two sides of the belt to press the upper and lower sides respectively, and wrap around the limb for a week to knot.

Fixed method of fracture    
Fixed method of the upper arm fracture.
Place a board on the outside of the upper arm, fix the upper and lower end of the fracture with two cloth bands, and then hang the forearm to the chest with a triangle towel or belt. If there is no board, with rubber shoes can also replace. When there is no material, hold your upper arm to your chest with a backpack.    

Fixed method of forearm fracture.
Use two pieces of wood (or wooden stick, bamboo, etc.) respectively on the palm, back sides (when only one board, put on the back of the hand), with a handkerchief or towel folded into a ribbon tie fixed, and then use a triangle towel or belt hanging on the chest.    

Fixed method of thigh fracture.
A board the length of the wounded from arm to heel is fastened to the outside of the limb.    

Fixed method of lower leg fracture.
Take the length of more than the upper and lower joints fixed by the thigh fracture fixation method.

When fixing the fracture area, one should pay attention to the following points: When bleeding, haemostasis, bandage and later fixed; When the limbs are broken, it should be fixed from top to bottom, exposing the finger (toe) to observe the blood circulation; Fixed materials should not directly contact the skin, should pad cotton, cloth and other objects; Isolated limbs should be closed with the wounded for replanting; Fixed tightness should be appropriate.

Handling of the wounded    
Single-person bare-hand handling method. It includes back type, hug type.    

Double-person freehand handling method.
It includes chair type, pull the cart type.    

Handling method of the fracture of the spine.
Two men held the wounded flat on a hard board (or door board) single rack. Never hold your head and feet and bend your body to avoid aggravating the damage.

The treatment of several special combat injuries.
Cen encephalocele    
In case of a firearm wear injury to make the brain tissue bulge wound, first loose the buckle, belt and fittings, to keep the respiratory tract unimpeded. Cover the bulging brain tissue with sterile gauze, then fold the gauze into a circle around the brain tissue (also buckle with a clean porcelain bowl), and gently bandage it with a triangular towel or cloth band. Do not compress the bulging brain benefit, and do not send it back to the wound. When returning, pad your head and turn the wound up. Keep warm when it is cold.

Blowing aerothorax    
Chest injured air from the wound into the chest, compressing the lungs, causing dyspnea called open pneumothorax. Encounter such wounded should be quickly and tight to the people, close the wounds, to prevent the air from continuing in and out. The method of sealing is: use first aid bag outside skin inside surface (sterile surface) quickly close to the wound, and then use multilayer gauze cotton pad, with triangle towel pressure bandage. When sent after delivery, the wounded are taken in a semi-recumbent position.

Abdominal visceral removal    
Abdominal injury accompanied by intestinal and other viscera out, should be rescued as soon as possible, as follows:
1. Cover with clean dressing to protect the viscera, and then with thick dressing or wide belt around (can also use a clean bowl cover) off the viscera around, and then bandage.
2. Be careful not to compress the viscera, and prohibit the viscera back to the abdominal cavity, so as not to aggravate pollution.
3. Before and after dressing, the injured should be taken in the supine position and bend the lower limbs to relax the abdomen and reduce the pressure in the abdominal cavity.The wounded should strictly prohibit food or oral medicine.


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In the field environment, participants cannot get rapid and complete urban medical assistance, and the limited resources and severe natural environment aggravate the particularity of field first aid. Therefore, as the most important thing to implement first aid in the field environment, the most important thing is to timely judge the severity of the problem, timely and reasonable treatment, and prevent the occurrence of secondary injuries.

Preparation Before First Aid
In the outdoor environment, once there is a personnel physical injury, do not rush into the wound treatment and handling link, so that it is easy to miss the accident details, resulting in secondary injury and secondary accidents. Remember to complete the following work before officially entering the processing process:

Body check
With the help of visual diagnosis, palpation, auscultation, a comprehensive physical examination of the injured, we pay special attention to any abnormal conditions, such as tenderness, skin color change, swelling or deformation. For the injured who are unconscious or cannot cooperate, they should also check their belongings, which can provide us with more important information.

Measure important life signs
Measuring important vital signs can judge whether the victim’s condition is deteriorating or improving, and identify potential problems as early as possible. The specific method of measuring vital signs depends on the available equipment and the degree of training of the rescuer. It is best to measure and record the six vital signs together every once in a while, and to make an overall judgment of the physical condition and trend of the victim:

Pulse (P): normal people are 60~120 times per minute, and the commonly used measurement positions are the radial artery (at the wrist) and the strong artery (at the neck).
Breathing (R): the normal breathing rate is 12~20 times per minute, shortness of breath, difficulty or accompanied by noise all need to be paid attention to.
Blood pressure (BP): the quiet systolic blood pressure is 100~120mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure is 60~80mmHg.
Body temperature (T): The normal core temperature of the body is 37 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that the core temperature of the body and the skin temperature of the body surface are quite different, and the most accurate way to obtain the core temperature in the field environment is the oral cavity and rectum.
Skin (S) color: it can reflect the condition of the blood through the capillary of tissue, and the skin color changes usually indicate the loss of blood volume caused by the body disease or pain.
Level of consciousness (AVPU): This is an important indicator of the functional state of the brain. ‘A’ means the patient is awake. ‘V’ responds to sound. ‘P’ patient responds to pain. ‘U’ means the patient is unconscious.

Based on the above information, we can basically have a clear understanding of the situation of the injured person and the surrounding environment. Injured can enter the treatment stage at this time. Therefore, the above data should be recorded immediately to provide first aid reference for doctors after going to the hospital.

The Wound Treatment
Outdoor injuries are generally as follows: first, soft tissue damage includes open damage and closed damage. Second, fractures include both open and closed fractures. Third, shock.
Every outdoor sports enthusiast should make the necessary preparations for these injuries, including equipment preparation and skill preparation. Preparing appropriate first aid kits and attending first aid skills training before participating in outdoor sports.

First Aid Items
None survived before being rescued. Keep calm and keep yourself in an easy spot, so keep a first aid kit with you anyway. Make sure the first aid kit is light and small, and easy to carry outdoors.  All forms of emergency shelter, such as emergency blankets, emergency sleeping bags, or waterproof bags.
The prepared medicines usually include gloves, compressed gauze, bandages, scissors, splints, tourniquet, triangle towel, etc.

SOURCE: https://rhinorescuestore.com/en-za/blogs/first-aid-kit/outddor-first-aid-principles

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While automobile technological innovation brings convenience to us, a variety of factors will also bury safety risk and bring accidental injuries to drivers and passengers. In order to prevent and reduce the degree of injuries that people suffer in traffic accidents, it is necessary to have first aid kits in the car.

In emergency situations, especially when waiting for rescue, emergency self-rescue, and trauma treatment, A car first-aid kit can often play a key role. Today we are going to talk about car first aid kits.      
In developed countries, they attach great importance to people’s first aid awareness and skills training. At present, the popularity rate of first aid kits in many developed countries is very high. Many countries regard first aid kits as the standard configuration of cars and introduce relevant regulations on the use of first aid kits systematically.

Why are first-aid kits so important?      
According to the data, people have ‘golden 4 minutes’ and ‘platinum 10 minutes’ precious treatment time. This time is likely not to catch the ambulance, so if we can use this time to save themselves or help others, perhaps can save a life.      
In the process of daily driving, the ubiquitous car accidents, floods, human injuries all need us to think more for their own safety in advance. Preparing commonly used emergency medicines and small tools in the car can help us stay away from danger quickly.

What is the car first aid kit?    
There are lots of necessities in the car first aid kit, which include mask, wound compress, pin, elastic bandage, biohazard bag, sterile bandage, alcohol pad, medical tape, gloves, triangular bandage, saline solution, eye pad, lodophor swab, wound plasters, wound plasters, burn dressing, instant ice pack. In addition, we should always have some first-aid medicines, which are divided into special drugs and common drugs. Special drugs are prepared for their own special diseases, such as heart disease. Common drugs such as dizziness drugs, antidiarrheal drugs, anti-allergy drugs, etc.

Where is the car first aid kit placed?    
The main use of vehicle first-aid kits is for vehicles, including automobiles, buses, touring cars, and even electric vehicles. The location is usually in the toolbox around the driver’s seat or in front of the passenger seat.


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Whether it is a few family or single, it is inevitable to encounter bumps, bruises, injuries, etc. It is very necessary to provide handy emergency items. The home first aid kit must be arranged! In order to more timely and effective protection of family health, the role of home first aid kit cannot be ignored. The first aid items should be prepared!      
Home first aid kit, just as its name implies, is mainly for the first aid kit used in the family daily life. Its main characteristics are medium size, rich in content but easy to carry.

List of the home first aid kit:

1 x Windlass Tourniquet  
1 x Emergency Bandage
1 x Metal Eye Shield      
1 x Nasal Airway (NPA)
1 x CPR Face Shield      
1 x Aluminium Splint
2 x Compressed Gauzes  
2 x Chest Seals
1 x Nasal Airway 28F      
1 x DD1380 Card
1 x Burn Dressing        
1 x Burn Dressing
1 x Abdominal Pad      
1 x Adhesive Bandages Bundle
1 x Triangular Bandage  
1 x Elastic Bandage Warp
2 x Sterile Gauze Pads    
1 x Burn Gel
2 x Sting Relief Pads      
2 x Eye Pads
1 x Emergency Blanket    
2 x Soap Wipes
2 x Antiseptic Wipes      
10 x lodophor Swabs
12 x Alcohol Pads        
1pair Medical Shears
1 x Sharpie Marker        
1 x Medical Tape
1 x Tongue Depressor    
2 pairs Exam Gloves
6 x Safety Pins            
1 x First Aid

Four Tips for the Home First Aid Kit
First, the basic list of home first aid kits is essential for every family, but some reserves are difficult, such as tourniquets, first aid blankets, breathing masks, etc. The first aid kits mentioned above can help you solve most emergency situations.      
Second, we need to expand the items in due time. Items can be stored on demand. Durable goods are generally determined by the number of family members. articles of consumption should be stored for 2 weeks.      
Third, It is best to check the first aid package every six months, especially in the case of the drug. If the storage conditions are improper, there will be deterioration, failure and other problems. It can be judged by whether changing color, whether the shelf life is expired, and whether the storage requirements of the manual are met.      
Fourth, the position of the first aid bag in the home should be the place where all family members are familiar with and easy to get, try to avoid light storage, put in the shoe ark, bedside table, toilet and other places.      

In general, home first aid kits are small, light and less costly.


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Gauze and bandage are common medical products in medicine, often used in dressing the wound. Compressed gauze or winding roll is generally used with military bandages, mainly used for the large wound side. If you bleed more, direct filling hemostasias. Military bandages are mainly used for temporary bleeding when bleeding is more. After the human body is injured, most will use gauze or bandage to bandage wound, mainly because they have a very good air permeability, and the production material is soft, more suitable for fixed dressing, pressure hemostasias, hanging limbs and fixed joints.

Major Function      
1. The wound hemostasias. The gauze or bandage has good air permeability. After the wound dressing is finished, fixing the dressing with the gauze dressing can avoid the wound infection and the secondary bleeding of the wound.
2. Wound packing. The gauze or bandage can fix the dressing on the wound, control the bleeding, fix and support the injury and reduce the swelling, fix and protect the surgical or injury site. When the fracture patient uses gauze or bandage, the fractureand joint dislocation will be restricted, and the bone is healed quickly.
3. Reduce the pain. After using gauze or bandage, it can compress the wound and play the role of hemostasias. To a certain extent, it increases the comfort of patients, thus reducing the pain of patients.

Usage Method
During the gauze or bandage is wrapped:
1. If the injured person lies down, the bandage should be wrapped from under the natural depression of the step room, knee room, waist and neck. Pull the bandage forward and forward to adjust. When wrapping the neck and the upper trunk, pull down the trunk to the correct position.
2. When bandage, the degree of tightness should be to stop bleeding and fixed dressing, but not too tight, so as not to hinder the blood circulation at the end of the limb.
3. If you wrap your limbs, try to expose your fingers and toes to check your blood circulation.
4. Make sure that the knot does not hurt the injured person. Flat knot should be used to plug the end of the bandage into the knot, and do not knot where the bone rises.
5. Regularly check the blood circulation of the lower limbs, and you can release it if necessary.


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What is a Chest Seal Vented?      
Chest Seal Vented is an advanced occlusive dressing designed to treat open chest wounds. Penetrating injuries to the chest that result in open chest wounds may lead to tension pneumothorax, the second leading cause of preventable death on the battlefield. Chest Seals are specifically designed with a medical grade hydrogel adhesive strong enough to adhere to skin that is exposed to blood, sweat, hair, sand or water.

Which group of people are the Chest Seal Venteds suitable for?      
Military, Police, Fire, EMS and First Responders.

What are the features of the Chest Seal Vented?                      
– Large Release Tab for Easy Application and Removal                      
– Effective in Extreme Cold and Heat          
– Transparent Backing for Easy Placement Over the Wound
– Strong Medical Grade Hydrogel Adhesive
– Conforms and Adheres Easily to All Body Surfaces
– Provides total occlusion — even with excessive blood, dirt, sand, hair, or heavy perspiration.
– Large pull tab for easy, quick application
– Configured for ease of use in low-light environments.
– Latex-free; minimum incidence of allergic reactions to adhesive
– Durable, puncture-resistant packaging
– Integrity and function maintained when stored or carried in folded configuration.

How to use a Chest Seal Vented?

: https://rhinorescuestore.com/en-za/blogs/first-aid-kit/tips-for-chest-seal-vented

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What is RHINO Splint?      
The RHINO Splint is built from a thin, light core of aluminium alloy which is then sandwiched between two layers of closed-cell foam. Unroll it from its package and it is extremely pliable. But bend it into any of three simple curves, and it becomes extremely strong and supportive – adequate for stabilizing any fractured or injured limb.
A well-formed RHINO Splint is more than strong enough for any conceivable splinting need yet extremely mouldable, and soft enough to cut with ordinary household scissors.
With the proper choice of curves outlined in the training guide, almost any bone in the body can be splinted. It’s even possible to use the RHINO Splint to create an emergency cervical collar for neck injuries.      
The core of the Splint is a long rectangle of “O” temper, ultra-thin, aluminium alloy. The covering layers are made of dermatologically safe closed-pore foam that is latex-free.

Who uses RHINO Splint?
– EMS Personnel
– Military Medics
– Athletic Trainers
– Ski Patrols
– Wilderness Rescue Teams
– Outdoor Adventurers
– Boaters
– Safety Engineers
– Veterinarians

What benefit does the RHINO Splint have?
– Waterproof
– Lightweight and Compact (160g for 36″x4.25″ / 91.4cm x 11 cm)
– Radiolucent (does not have to be removed for X-rays)
– Can be rolled or folded for easy storage in emergency kits/backpacks
– Fastens in place with tape or wrap. No extra equipment needed.
– Not affected by extreme temperatures or altitudes. Even works underwater!
– Reusable
– Closed-pore, impermeable foam surface allows easy cleaning and disinfection. Material is compatible with all standard cleaning solutions.

The RHINO Splintis available in orange/green or gray, in flat-folded packaging.

How to use RHINO Splint?


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First aid kit is equipped with all kinds of first aid items, such as gauze, bandages and tourniquet, etc. It is convenient for people to use rescue items in the case of emergency . It can be divided into different categories according to the different environments and different usage objects. According to different use objects, they can be divided into home first aid kit, outdoor first aid kit, car first aid bag, etc. Our latest classic #SE first aid kit will meet your different needs.

– This version of our classic kit was created after consumer feedback or our own innovation and upgrading, with improved and high-quality equipment for a more perfect first aid experience.

Hemostasias: This kit contains many first aid items for massive bleeding control which includes: tourniquet, Israeli bandage, compressed gauze, chest seal vented. Every product has its specific functions. All common feature is hemostasias. They can apply in different place.
Respiratory, Airway and Hypothermia Treatment: Non-vented chest seals can suck chest wounds. Airway tube use in airway. While a shock often occurs after massive loss of blood, which comes hand in hand with a drop of body temperature. The emergency blanket keeps the body temperature warm.
Bone Fracture Treatment: Splint can keep your bones in position, and it wrap around by the triangle bandage and elastic bandage. The purpose is to keep the limb fixed. The set of the Splint, Triangle Bandage, and Elastic Bandage in this kit purposely treatments for any bone fracture of your limbs.


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The full name of TCCC is Tactical  Combat Casualty Care.    
TCCC refers to in the field, for a large number of wounded emergency rescue organization measures and working methods, master ventilation, hemostasis, bandage, fixed and handling and other field rescue knowledge and skills, can achieve improve the quality of war rescue, protect the wounded life, prevent complications, improve the success rate of treatment, achieve the purpose of reducing the disability rate. It is also an effective way to effectively save lives and improve the health service support ability.

Life-threatening external bleeding or limb bleeding must be controlled immediately with the limb tourniquet in the first stage.

In the second stage, massive bleeding needs to be controlled and continues to an airway management (e. g. Nasopharyngeal Airways). At this stage, close monitoring of respiration and blood circulation should be provided and signs of tension pneumothorax checked. Sucking chest injuries should be treated and closed. The tourniquet should be reexamined to determine that the bleeding stops, and the casualty should be checked for signs of hemorrhagic shock. In addition, low temperature precautions should be taken to provide fracture splints and medication. Another important factor is the provision of monitoring and treatment of burns.

In the third stage, the rescue was provided the same as in the previous stage. If chest or abdominal trauma exists, the casualty should be closely monitored to identify signs of tension pneumothorax. In addition, any ongoing or new bleeding, must be controlled, while the injured person should be provided warm.

Rhino rescue store can provide emergency items needed in the war or in the TCCC instruction. Good quality is an important guarantee for the rescue. Believe us, Rhino rescue always save the lives!!


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Summer is coming. Many people will participate in water events, such as family, travelers, water enthusiasts, sport amateurs. Do you know that we may encounter different kinds of injuries in the water event? Will be prepared for any potential danger? Whether you or your friends are in the bad condition, we have to learn how to save yourself or help others.

(1) Make the wounded out of the cold environment, change into dry clothes, with blankets to avoid the temperature continue to drop.
(2) The movement should be gentle, as far as possible to avoid mechanical arrhythmia caused by stimulation.
(3) Keep the wounded in a horizontal position to reduce the effect of body position on blood pressure.
(4) If the injured person has cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, CPR should be performed immediately.
(5) In the process of resuscitation, resuscitation should be performed while rewarming.

(1) Move the mild heatstroke person to a cool and ventilated place nearby, untie the clothes and rest flat, put a wet towel on the forehead.
(2) If muscle spasm occurs, massage with medium strength.
(3) Rising body temperature, confusion, convulsions and other severe heatstroke should be taken quickly cooling measures.
(4) Closely observe the breathing, pulse and other conditions, and keep cooling measures. The severer should be sent to hospital.

(1) Rest for the wounded people and cool them down.
(2) Let the injured person drink some fluids containing sugar and electrolytes. If not, drink water.
(3) If the injured person can tolerate it, wrap a bag of ice water in a towel and apply it to the spasm area for no more than 20 minutes.

Heatexhaustion is a relatively mild health problem caused by high temperatures, and the body responds to the excessive loss of water content and salt due to heavy sweating.
(1) Let the wounded man lie down in a cool place.
(2) Take off as the clothes of the wounded as possible.
(3) Spray the wounded people with cold water to cool them down. If there is no cold water to spray, place a cool, moist cloth on the neck, armpit and groin.
(4) let the victim drink fluids containing sugar and electrolytes. If not, drink water.      

Rhino Waterproof Kit has the characteristics of Durable and Compact, Waterproof Guarantee, Easy Operation and Cleaning, Versatility. It is perfect for boating, kayaking, paddling, sailing, canoeing, surfing or having fun on the beach. The kit protects your valuables from water, snow, mud and sand and keep them clean. Therefore, if you choose a rhino rescue kit, we will bring you different surprises!

(2) SUMMER: YOU NEED A WATERPROOF KIT Summer is coming. Many people will participate in water events, such as family, travelers, water enthusiasts, sport amateurs. Do you know that we may encounter different kinds of injuries in the water event? Will be – Quora


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When you're in an emergency moment? How to be prepared to save lives? Let we talk about this topic.      
The first step, there is no doubt that we need to master some knowledge of saving ourselves.
The second step, a first aid kit we should need includes some emergency items, which can help rescue in process of traveling, hiking and other outdoor activities.
The third step, you should know how to use them. Some items we introduce is as follows.

Chest Seal
The chest seal vented design is the optimized blood guiding design according to the fitting operation. It ensures the cleanliness of the wound and the ultimate purpose is to guarantee the health and safety of the patient’s wound and avoid secondary infection.

Compression Gauze
RHINO gauze is 100% cotton made and has excellent fluid absorption and stability, sterile and ready to use. Two functions can be mentioned. The one is trauma haemorrhage. The other is to fill to stop bleeding.

Emergency Bandage
There are three characteristics as follows. First, this emergency bandage includes two dressings. Second, you can rip the dressings in two as the replacement or other usage if you need it. Third, the suture of the compression ifak has an individual bandage. It had been ready for using by the people at any time. Stop the bleeding quickly with this strong, lightweight non-adhesive pressure bandage. This innovative first aid device consists of 3 layers with primary and secondary dressings, a pressure applicator as well as a foolproof closure apparatus to secure the bandage in place. Provides immediate direct pressure and further constricts blood-flow. So easy to use that it can be applied with only one hand for self-application if needed. You need to prepare different inch of Emergency Bandage for different situations.

There are several advantages for customers’ usage. First, In the case of no peer, if people need to stop the bleeding, you can operate with one hand. It is faster and easier than parallel clips. It has less difficulty and the shortest time. Second, the windlass adds reinforced cellulose, which is not easy to bend and break under strong pressure. Third, Anti-slip design enhances grip and bring a better feeling. Forth, it can haemostasis in the critical moment for the purpose of saving lives. Fifth, it can be used in the military, home, and outdoors. Last, tourniquet can be adjusted according to different conditions.

Tourniquet holder
The tourniquet case is fully compatible with the most tourniquet, which is mainly used to store outdoor rescue supplies, such as when you are hiking, camping, biking, climbing, mountaineering, you can bring it. It has characteristics of mini portable, lightweight design, easy to carry & store. It allows you to quickly deploy the tourniquet. The installation position can be adjusted to a suitable height at will, and it can be installed vertically, horizontally or upside down.

Splint is waterproof, lightweight and compact and can be rolled or folded for easy storage in emergency kits/backpacks. It fastens in place with tape or wrap. Closed-pore, impermeable foam surface allows easy cleaning and disinfection. Material is compatible with all standard cleaning solutions.

Chest Seal
Compression Gauze
Emergency Bandage
Tourniquet holder

(2) When you in a emergency moment? How to be prepared to save lives? Let we talk about this topic. The first step, there is no doubt that we need to master some knowledge of saving ourselves. The second step, a first aid kit we should need includes som – Quora


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The root of IFAK is in the small kits, and its purpose is to prevent illness and minor injuries, such as bruises and bumps. These days, an increasing IFAK appear. We are towards military, family, car, EMS and so on. The similarity is that they contain tourniquet, bandage, compressed gauze and other common emergency items. However, a high-quality product is an important guarantee because of saving lives. Let we talk about a home first aid kit! A home first aid kit is targeted to adults, babies and elders, which can apply to all emergent situations. The symptoms include bleeding out, breathing, hypothermia and more. The IFAK is not a specific list of items. Different kinds of IFAK can be responsible for different situations. A home first aid kit is advised to buy in advance to prevent illness and minor injuries. Rhino rescue home first aid kit is a surprise! It has characteristic as follows. Organized interior compartments provides quick access. Rugged, sturdy, high density.

What the home first aid kit has:

1 x Main package (fluorescent yellow)
1 x Package 1 (folding package)
2 x Package 2 (small package)
1 x Scissors
1 x Tweezers
1 x Thermometer
6 x Pin
2 x Tongue Depressor
2 x Biohazard Bag
1 x Whistle
1 x Emergency Blanket
1 x Splint
2 x Burn Dressing
1 x Instant Ice Pack
3 x Elastic Bandage
2 x Elastic Bandage
6 x Wound Compress
1 x Sterile Bandage
2 x Sterile Bandage
1 x Sterile Bandage
2 x Eye Pad
12 x Wound Plasters
1 x Medical Tape
1 x Triangular Bandage
6 x Mask
1 x Glove
2 x Saline Solution
10 x Iodophor Swab
10 x Alcohol Pad

Be prepared to save lives! It’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. When a life-threatening emergency occurs, the first person on the scene is likely to help save lives by using IFAK. A few minutes is a golden time of saving lives.  Many people lost their lives because they missed the golden rescue time, so it is imperative for you to carry the first aid items and to know the basics. Therefore, you can achieve to save oneself or others until EMS arrives. Carrying a basic IFAK is necessary. A home first aid kit is tailored to family. When we are prepared, we need to get the proper first aid knowledge and know how to use your emergency items properly. A portable home first aid kit you can choose is worth recommending! May some handy items can be used by you! It has different sets to use according to your situations!

(4) The root of IFAK is in the small kits, and its purpose is to prevent illness and minor injuries,such as bruise,bumps. These days, an increasing IFAK appear. We are towards military, family, car, EMS and so on. The similarity is that they contain tou – Quora


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What do you carry with you every day? May be your car keys, phone, or makeups. More importantly, it is necessary to bring a first aid kit to avoid accident happened. These first aid kits contain the basics to deal with life-threatening injuries by using these first aid items. These items in your first aid kit can apply in a life-saving environment.

Chest Seal
A chest seal is a specific item, which function is to treat a sucking chest wound. The only way to fix it is to seal the hole by applying a chest seal. Vented chest seals allow air enter the wounds but can avoid allowing more air in. Unvented seals will retain air inside the torso.

The Tourniquet can stop blood flow to an injured limb. It is easy for all people to use. It advantages lie in hemorrhage in case the accident happens. It is crucial to use the tourniquet correctly, because serious injuries cannot avoid due to wrongly use.

Compressed gauze
Compressed gauze is one of important tool to stop blood. It plays in auxiliary role when the users use the tourniquet. If the injured encounters heavy bleeding, haemostatic dressing can be as a filling haemostatic item.

It mainly used to treat muscle sprains and strains. Applying maximum compression and holding compressed gauze in place to stop heavy bleeding. Our bandage has a pressure applicator and is packed in vacuum-sealed and waterproof. In other words, it can a pre-hospital haemorrhage material.

Scissors are designed exclusively for external use. It can cut various hard objects. Bent tip and blunted edge make sure cut clothing from injured people quickly and safely. The blades have the fine tooth for anti-slip & easier cutting, carabiner can used to clip onto waist.

Emergency blanket
It can keep people warm. Each survival blanket is individually folded, wrapped, and sealed for easy storage and retrieval. They are reusable and waterproof. It is perfect for emergency situations where warmth or protection from all-weather conditions is required.

In the medical field, you may not have considered gloves an insignificant enough item, but It helps the users avoid infection. The users need to secure your safety before aiding others. Wearing gloves will keep you from directly coming into contact with possibly infected fluids.

No matter where you are, we all believe that the first aid kit is indispensable. We always be prepared to save lives!


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When we use one new product, we need to know its principles and how to use it. It is key, particularly when we are saving oneself at golden time. Once we miss this moment, we may die.

What is a non-working tourniquet?
A non-working tourniquet is failing to stop the bleeding. If the tourniquet cannot work, then the patient may die due to blood loss.

Why is the tourniquet not working?
There are several reasons. First, the quality of the tourniquet is lower. The applicator easily comes loose, which cannot fix the band. Second, it mainly cannot work due to human errors. Third, Haemostasis steps were not completed within the fixed time. You need to control the time within one min before the step of twisting the rod.

How to use a tourniquet. (one-hand operation)
- First, remove tourniquet from IFAK and/or carrying pouch.
- Second, insert the wounded extremity through the loop of the self-adhering band.
- Third, position the tourniquet above the bleeding site, high on the extremity over the clothing/uniform.
- Forth, ensure all the slack in the band is pulled through the rolling buckle before the band is fastened bank on itself and the wind lass is twisted.
- Fifth, twist the rod until bleeding has stopped. (complete 1/5 steps in under1 min)
- Sixth, lock the windlass rod in place with the windlass clip.
- Seventh, route the self-adhering band around the rod and between the clips.
- Eighth, secure with the windlass safety strap.
Note: Do not document tourniquet application time until the tactical field care phase. Nineth, if no other major bleeding is present, move to cover.

Importantly, due to all kinds of tourniquets, we need to know their usage, which include one-hand operation and two-hand operation. Tourniquet is a life-saving tool, and the purpose is to stop the bleeding. The more practice, the lower the rate of making the errors. How to use and correctly using is critical. Besides, we advise everyone to bring a first aid kit at all times, then you will be always prepared to saved lives!


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You’ve probably heard about the IFAK, what is it exactly?
An IFAK is an individual first aid kit. It’s a military concept that’s spread into the police and military world. In the military, the IFAK, which contains essential medical supplies, has saved countless lives. No longer is “Doc” the only one who carries medical equipment. If you’re in law enforcement, the military, or other high-risk professions, you should absolutely need an IFAK on hand. Even if you’re not in a dangerous line of work, an IFAK can still be quite useful for everyday emergencies(car accident, violent attack, or any other emergency situation that may cause massive bleeding, respiration problems, broken bones, etc.). Having an IFAK and knowing how to use it can make the difference between life and death for yourself or someone else.

Below, you’ll find a guide to individual first aid kits and some advice on avoiding rookie mistakes.

What is Inside an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK contents)?
1. M – Massive Haemorrhage
Bleeding was one of the most common battlefield deaths, in general, you should keep as much blood in your body as possible.

Tourniquet is the single most critical piece of life-saving equipment in the event of penetrating trauma to an extremity, and probably the best investment in emergency medical gear for any trauma kit. It is highly recommended you become familiar with the tourniquet, practicing on others and yourself before you need it.

Wound Packing Gauze, effective wound packing involves forcing gauze into the wound cavity and maintaining direct pressure until the bleeding stops. You can use any sterile gauze or hemostatic gauze (gauze that helps clotting) for this purpose.

Pressure Dressing and Bandages/ISRAELI EMERGENCY BANDAGE, wraps around the wound and applies pressure over it to help further restrict blood flow from a penetrating wound by holding the gauze in place and adding more compression. One example of a pressure dressing is an Israeli emergency bandage, which has an elastic bandage with a built-in pad and a clip.

2. A – Airway
It is important to evaluate airway patency in the trauma patient. Unconscious patients may require an airway intervention.

NPA(Nasopharyngeal airway), a flexible tube that is inserted through the nose into the pharynx (the back of the throat), easy to store & carry in an IFAK. It can help maintain an open airway in semi-conscious patients who have intact gag reflexes. When choosing it, please check the corresponding thickness and length to ensure that it is suitable for you. If contains lubricant, it will make the operation process more comfortable.

Cric-key, is an innovative open cricothyrotomy operation that allows you to quickly, easily and effectively establish an artificial airway in an emergency. It can perform a cricothyrotomy and establish a stable artificial airway in 30 seconds. It consists of two parts, Cric-Key and Cric-Knife, which only qualified personnel can operate.

3. R – Respiration
Sucking chest wounds are another common and preventable killer. It is often caused by gunshot wounds, stab wounds, or other penetrating trauma, but you can help prevent damage and save a life by preparing the corresponding supplies.

Chest seal, it’s smart to carry it in any IFAK. If you’re struck by gunfire to the torso, then a chest seal is one of the primary ways to treat that wound, to keep the air from getting in and hopefully let the air out. If you don’t have a chest seal, you can improvise one with plastic wrap or other occlusive material.

Needle for decompression, a needle for decompression is used to relieve pressure from a tension pneumothorax by inserting it into the second intercostal space (the space between the second and third ribs) on the same side as the injury. This allows air to escape from the pleural cavity and restores normal breathing. However, don’t use it if you’re not trained and authorized.

4. C – Circulation
Double-check your Care Under Fire (CUF, the medical treatment of casualties in a hostile environment) interventions, wherein your primary concern was stopping any life-threatening external hemorrhage, and make sure they’re still holding firmly(like TQ).

Gloves, if your clean-handed sweep yields blood on your fingers or palms, then you must pinpoint the wound site, expose and evaluate it, and take appropriate actions.

Splint, at this stage, if you discover broken bones, then they should be stabilized with a splint.

5. H – Hypothermia
In penetrating trauma, what you cannot see occurring is the lethal triad of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy. The trauma triad of death is recognized as a significant cause of death in patients with traumatic injuries.

Emergency blankets, hypothermia can kill you within several hours. You can use an emergency blanket to shield you from the sun, protect you from the cold, or construct a makeshift shelter.

6. Other things
Spray with antiseptic, another way to control germs and infection, small and easily stored if needed.
Sharpie, a black Sharpie is perfect for writing the time a tourniquet was applied, as well as vital information on the patient.
Light source, you can quickly assess a wound if needed. It’s hard to treat what you can’t see!
MOLLE compatible, a rip-away pouch you can alter to meet the needs of your tactical setup.
Attention: This is not an exhaustive list. Depending on your situation, you may alter your kit such as painkillers.

Rookie Mistakes to Avoid:
Wrong gear for the occasion.
You need the right gear for the right situation. You should choose an IFAK that matches your needs and preferences based on factors such as size, weight, contents, durability and compatibility with other gear.

The IFAK is disorganized.
You don’t want gauze falling everywhere when you open it up. You should arrange your items in a logical order based on priority and frequency of use and label each item clearly, so you know what it is and how to use it.

Keeping the IFAK out of reach.
You should be able to reach your IFAK with both hands. If you must keep it with a backpack, try to attach it to the outside. Alternatively, you can wear it on your belt, vest or chest rig where it’s close to your body and easy to detach if needed.

It’s not labelled.
This is especially important for tactical environments where you may have multiple people with different types of kits or where someone else may need to use yours in case of emergency. You should label your IFAK clearly so others can identify it quickly and avoid confusion.

Final Word on Individual First Aid Kits
‍IFAK has become affordable, easy to find, and is coming from a variety of reputable manufacturers. You should know you have had a responsibility for your safety. Besides, take some time to evaluate your medical needs, enroll in a local first aid class to get some hands-on experience to grab the living chance when face the emergency.


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Trauma refers to external damage to the body or object caused by external objects such as impact, collision, or erosion by chemicals.
Blood is an important substance that maintains life activities. It is a tissue that circulates in the heart and blood vessel cavities. In adults, blood volume accounts for about 8% of body weight, and bleeding is one of the main complications after trauma.
Bleeding refers to the rupture of blood vessels leading to the flow of blood outside the blood vessels. After trauma, the easiest and most common thing that occurs is bleeding. Severe trauma often causes massive bleeding that endangers the lives of the injured. Effective and timely haemostasis for the injured person at the scene is a necessary measure to save lives. Trauma refers to external damage to the body or object caused by external objects such as impact, collision, or erosion by chemicals.

Classification of Trauma
According to the cause of injury: it can be classified as mechanical injury, such as cutting, crushing, slicing, or falling injuries; animal bites; chemical injury, such as burns and scalds.
According to the severity of injury: it can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.
According to the nature of the wound: it can be classified as open injuries, such as stab wounds, where the wound is exposed to the outside world, increasing the likelihood of infection; closed injuries, where there is no visible wound but the consequences are more severe.

Assessment of the Bleeding Site in Trauma
Subcutaneous bleeding: usually caused by falls, impacts, crushes, or bruises, resulting in bleeding in soft tissue under the skin, forming hematomas or bruises, which can self-heal in the short term.

Internal bleeding: no visible bleeding on the surface, blood flows into tissues, organs, or body cavities (such as the thoracic, abdominal, and cranial cavities) through ruptured blood vessels. It can only be judged based on the general or local symptoms of the injured person, such as pale complexion, vomiting blood, abdominal pain, bloody stools, rapid and weak pulse, etc. The situation is severe, and emergency hospital treatment is required as on-site treatment is not feasible.
The assessment of internal bleeding can be done through the following ways:
1. Firstly, by checking for symptoms of bleeding in the mouth, sputum, stools, or urine to determine if there is bleeding in the relevant internal organs.
2. Secondly, by observing systemic symptoms, such as pale complexion, cold sweat, cold limbs, rapid and weak pulse, unconsciousness, vomiting, and whether there is swelling and pain in the chest, abdomen, or skull, to determine if important organs such as the liver, spleen, stomach, and brain have internal bleeding.

External bleeding: visible on the surface, blood flows out of the body through the skin damage site.

Judgment of Different Types of Blood Vessel Bleeding
Arterial bleeding: Arterial blood has a high oxygen content, and blood flows out in a jet with a bright red color. The amount of blood loss is large, and it can be life-threatening if not stopped immediately.

Venous bleeding: Venous blood has a low oxygen content, and blood flows out in a steady stream with a dark red color. If not stopped in time, it can result in a large amount of blood loss over a long period of time and can also be life-threatening.

Capillary bleeding: Blood seeps out in droplets, changing color from bright red to dark red, and the amount of blood loss is small. It often stops bleeding automatically.

Haemostasis Methods for Common Traumatic Bleeding
1. Haemostasis by Compression Method
- 1.1 Directly compress the wound to stop bleeding , which is suitable for minor bleeding. Clean gauze, sterile gauze, clean towels, clothing, scarfs, etc. can be used to press on the bleeding site to achieve haemostasis. Generally, compression for about 10 minutes can stop the bleeding. The specific steps are as follows:
> Use pressure haemostasis method, place a clean cloth or towel on the wound, and directly press for 10-20 minutes.
> After the bleeding stops, wrap it lightly with a bandage, without wrapping it too tightly.
> Do not use degreased cotton or paper to pad the wound, and do not apply medication to the wound.
> If the wound is not contaminated by dirt, rinse it with liquid first and do not use soap.
> Do not wipe off the blood clots or plasma around the bleeding wound, and do not remove foreign bodies such as glass fragments in the wound. You should immediately seek medical treatment at the hospital.

2. Finger Pressure Haemostasis Method
It is applicable for severe bleeding in certain areas of the head and limbs. The method is to press the artery close to the heart with fingers and push the artery towards the underlying bone to block the blood flow and achieve hemostasis. It is important to note that the index or ring finger should be used to find the pressure point, not the thumb, as the thumb has a large central artery that can lead to misjudgment. Once the pressure point of the artery is located, the thumb or multiple fingers can be used for pressure.
-1.2.1 Head and Facial Artery Compression Method
Finger pressure on the superficial temporal artery: Suitable for severe bleeding from one side of the head and forehead. Use one hand’s thumb to press on the temporomandibular joint of the injured side to compress the superficial temporal artery, and the other hand to stabilize the head of the casualty.

Finger pressure on the facial artery: Suitable for severe bleeding from facial injuries. Use one hand’s thumb and index finger or thumb and middle finger to press on the depression about 1cm in front of the bilateral lower forehead, blocking the blood flow of the facial artery. Because there are many small branches of the facial artery that interconnect with each other in the face, both sides must be compressed.

Finger pressure on the posterior auricular artery: Suitable for severe bleeding from injuries behind one ear. Use one hand’s thumb to press on the depression below the mastoid process of the injured side, blocking the blood flow of the posterior auricular artery, and the other hand to stabilize the head of the casualty.

Finger pressure on the occipital artery: Suitable for severe bleeding from injuries near the occipital bone behind one side of the head. Use four fingers of one hand to press on the depression between the back of the ear and the occipital protuberance to block the blood flow of the occipital artery, and the other hand to stabilize the head of the casualty.

1.2.2 The Method of Pressing the Limb Arteries to Stop Bleeding
For bleeding from fingers:
Use the thumb and index finger to pinch the finger artery on both sides of the injured finger root.
Pressing the brachial artery:
Suitable for severe bleeding below the elbow. Use the thumb of one hand to compress the brachial artery on the inner side of the middle of the upper arm to block the blood flow of the brachial artery, and the other hand to fix the injured arm.
Pressing the radial and ulnar arteries:
Suitable for severe bleeding in the hand. Use the thumbs and index fingers of both hands to compress the radial artery and ulnar artery on both sides of the injured wrist to block the blood flow. Because the radial artery and ulnar artery have extensive anastomosis branches in the palm, both sides must be compressed at the same time to stop bleeding.
Pressing the finger (toe) artery:
Suitable for severe bleeding from fingers (toes). Use the thumb and index finger to compress the finger (toe) artery on both sides of the injured finger (toe) to block the blood flow.
Pressing the femoral artery:
Suitable for severe bleeding in one lower limb. Use the thumbs, fists, or palm roots of both hands to compress the femoral artery slightly below the midpoint of the inguinal groove of the injured limb, and the compression time is longer, to block the blood flow of the femoral artery. The injured person should be in a sitting or lying position.
Pressing the anterior and posterior tibial arteries:
Suitable for severe bleeding in one foot. Use the thumbs and index fingers of both hands to compress the anterior tibial artery in the middle of the foot dorsum and the posterior tibial artery between the heel and the medial malleolus.
Popliteal artery compression point:
Used for severe bleeding in the lower leg and below. After feeling the pulsation of the popliteal artery in the middle of the popliteal fossa, use the thumb or palm root to compress it deeply into the popliteal fossa to stop bleeding.
Subclavian artery compression point:
Use the index finger to compress the subclavian artery pulsation point in the middle of the ipsilateral clavicular fossa and press it towards the first rib.

Packing Haemostasis Method
For bleeding from deep vascular injuries in soft tissues, such as nosebleeds, deep neck wounds, or deep wounds on the thigh or back, it is difficult to find the bleeding site, and there are often arterial and venous injuries at the same time. After quickly cleaning and disinfecting, use sterile gauze to fill and press the wound, then add a large piece of sterile dressing to compress and bandage the wound to stop bleeding.

Haemostasis by Flexion Method
When compression hemostasis is ineffective for limb bleeding, if there is no fracture, you can use extreme flexion of the joint to compress the blood vessel to achieve hemostasis. For example, if there is bleeding in the forearm or lower leg, put a cotton pad in the elbow or knee fossa, and then make the joint extremely flexed. Finally, tie the lower leg and thigh or forearm and upper arm with a “8” shaped bandage to temporarily stop bleeding.

Compression Bandaging Haemostasis Method
Compression bandaging hemostasis method is widely used for various wounds. The materials used for bandaging are pads made of gauze, bandages, and other items. First, cover the wound with sterile dressing, and then place a clean gauze or bandage folded to the size of the wound on top of the sterile dressing. Finally, use a bandage to apply pressure and wrap it tightly to stop bleeding while ensuring that the distant artery still pulsates.If the bandage is too loose, hemostasis will be ineffective. If it is too tight, it can cause ischemia and necrosis of the distant tissue. If there are bone fragments in the wound, this method is prohibited to avoid aggravating the injury.

Haemostasis Method Using Tourniquet
This method is used to control bleeding from large, complex or fast bleeding wounds in the limbs, typically caused by ruptured major blood vessels or when other first-aid measures have failed. A tourniquet usually refers to an elastic rubber band or any item on hand, such as a belt, tie, scarf, towel, headband, cloth or triangular bandage.The tourniquet should be tied on the proximal end of the wound, which is the side of the limb closest to the heart. For example, in the case of bleeding below the knee joint, the tourniquet should be tied at an appropriate location on the thigh. If the bleeding continues below the elbow joint, the tourniquet should be tied above the elbow joint. When tying a tourniquet, it should be tightened to the point where there is minimal or no fresh blood flowing from the wound.


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